

onsdag 10 augusti 2011

Dehler 29 spotting

"It's all about timing" they say and I can only agree. Had we passed Stavsnäs five minutes later we'd met this Dehler 29 up close. But instead I could only spot it from long distance. The sail number 334 reveals in a quick Google search that it was Fredrik Mården from SSSv (Segelsällskapet Svearna, Eskilstuna) - a Dehler 29 MKII - who had found his way to more salty waters. I was asked by a friend earlier this summer if boats of the same kind wave more at eachother than at other boats. Although I cannot say that I have any research behind this whatsoever I do find that other Dehler boats wave somewhat more cheerfully at "Josefin" and I for sure do the same. And on the few occassions I've met another Dehler 29 it has definitely been a "head-turner". Bells, whistles, flag waving and the whole nine yards. Well, almost anyway.

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