The first layer of epoxy coating is finally on the keel and following that also some Water Tight putty for the uneven surfaces. This will now dry and harden overnight. Also a first round of anti fouling on the hull completed today. Tomorrow I'll start with final grinding and then a few more layers of epoxy on the keel. The weather will determine how many... Also the freebords will get some TLC with TC Nano wax. With this I believe I've completed the most time critical work elements for launch next weekend. Anti fouling is obviously a "no brainer" as long as it's dry and reasonably warm so we're basically on track.

Happy Easter!
It´s maybe a shespider..thiny legs and "big" bottom. ,,,
SvaraRaderaHello, we put Algot(a) on the rail for the hole "gulliverally". Just too look soo she got on the lovard place... I think she is working with not so mutch food and water. Maybee our lucky star (cross ).. Tobbe
SvaraRaderaTobbe, we'll make sure Algot(a) stays in a windward location. I'm sure the weight provides great "added value";o)
SvaraRaderaGreat blog. That doesn't look like the standard keel - is that the deep keel that you have? I've got one of the few Dehler 29s here in the states. How deep? How is the performance?
- Hill